Podcast és sorozat mint nyelvtanulási lehetőség
Bár általában véve ennek a blognak az a célja, hogy bemutassa az életvezetési módszer alapú angol nyelvtanítást, illetve a két terület (ELT and coaching) adta előnyeit kiemelje, most egy rendkívüli poszt következik, amelyben a hétköznapi hatékony angol nyelvtanuláshoz adunk tippeket.
A mindennapi angolozáshoz ugyanis nélkülözhetetlen, hogy a nyelvtanuló olyan szövegekkel foglalkozzon, amelyek örömet okoznak, hisz olyankor dopamine szabadul fel, ami segít a kifejezések könnyebb elsajátításában. A másik ok, amiért melegen ajánljuk az angol nyelvű sorozatok nézését, hogy a kifejezések kontextusban jelennek meg, így könnyebb kikövetkeztetni azok jelentését, illetve könnyebb megjegyezni őket a vizuális összekapcsolás miatt. A rádió hallgatása angol nyelven első hallásra (sic!) ijesztő lehet, és az első hallgatás valószínűleg nem lesz felhőtlen siker, de minél többet hallgattok rádiót angolul, annál könnyebb lesz megérteni akár egy hadaró észak-angliai akcentusú beszélőt is. Mi több, a rádió podcastok sikeres értelmezése nemcsak önbizalmat ad, hanem hasznos tippeket/trükköket a hétköznapi élő beszélgetések megértéséhez is!
A lista természetesen a személyes ízlésünket tükrözi, elsősorban az élet nagy kérdéseit és coaching témákat boncolgató, illetve jókedélyt, vidámságot árasztó sorozatok, műsorok.
Although generally speaking this blog is designed to present the advantages of combining English language learning and coaching, or the advantages of practising the two areas separately (for that matter), you are reading a different kind of post at the moment - one where we are providing you with tips for efficient practice of English.
We believe everyday English learners need to be reading and listening to texts they enjoy and are interested in, because dopamine helps you remember things better and learning a language becomes easier, expressions become part of your vocabulary quicker. Furthermore, you hear the expressions in their pragmatic context, where they make sense and where you can recall the more easily given the visuality attached to them. Listening to a radio programme in English might sound scary at first, and the first one might not actually be successful, but the more programmes you listen to, the easier it will get to understand even a Geordie accent. What is more, a successful interpretation of radio programmes does not only give you self-confidence, but also provides you with some useful clues in everyday conversation.
The list of course mirrors our private preferences, these are primarily series and programmes about the School of Life and secondarily those that radiate joy and positivity.
- Elementary Podcasts by the British Council (UK)
Three cheers for the UK’s British Council who have come up with a very helpful series of English language podcasts for the beginner and intermediate learner. Unusually for language learning podcasts these lessons are quite long, at about 25 minutes. You can, of course, listen in one sitting. But one of the joys of podcasts is you can pause when you want and pick up where you left off when there’s more time.
The hosts of each edition take the listener through a number of different scenarios. These are acted out in dialogue and are the kind of situations people experience every day. The podcasts also include broader discussions of some of the topics. The presentation is lively, upbeat and engaging, and the English is spoken at near normal speed. There is a lot of good accompanying material, some of which can be read beforehand to help the listener make the most of each lesson.
- Luke’s English Podcast (UK)
For many of the podcasts Luke is the sole narrator, although real-life conversations also feature. He has a warm, engaging voice that draws in the listener. What’s more his stories are so well structured that you are eager to hear the next sentence. The English is spoken at normal speed and transcripts are available.
Luke is a qualified English language teacher and stand-up comedian who provides an engaging and entertaining podcast series. His intention is to “make you laugh while you learn” and he provides a rich mix of subject material. A quick look at the titles of some of the podcasts reveals such instalments as “Doctor Who Episode – Language Analysis”, “The Prawn Story” and “English Premier League Football”.
3. Better @ English (US)
Better at English is an eclectic mix of English language podcasts featuring real conversations with native speakers. The topics range from the serious to the silly and light-hearted and are conducted at normal speed. Listening to real, natural-sounding conversations is a superlative supplement to classroom and textbook learning. Unlike anything else, this familiarizes the student with the pace of the language and some of its idioms and common expressions. Better English is suitable for the intermediate student and above, or for the beginner who really wants to challenge themselves. These English language podcasts are accompanied by transcripts and vocabulary notes.
Top 5 sorozatok (írjátok be a címet a port.hu vagy az imdb.com oldalra több infóért) ~ Top 5 series (search for more info about them on imdb.com):
The Good Wife
The Affair